- Part Number Interchanges / Cross References
Meritor - Rockwell Part Number Interchange

AC Ag Part Nbr X-RefAC Fiat Brg X-RefAC Fiat Part Nbr X-RefAllison Part Nbr X-Ref
American Bosch Cat X-RefCat Bearing X-RefCat Bendix X-RefCat Bergstrom X-Ref
Cat Blackhawk Tool X-RefCat Blackmer X-RefCat Blood Bros X-RefCat Bock X-Ref
Cat Bopp X-RefCat Continental X-RefCat Delco X-RefCat Master Part Nbr X-Ref
Cat Mitsubishi X-RefCat Rockford Clutch X-RefCat Serial Nbr IdCat Twin Disc X-Ref
Cat Vickers X-RefCat Wagner X-RefCat Wico-X-RefCat Zenith X-Ref
Clark Case X-RefClark Galion X-RefClark Supercedence X-RefClark Volvo VME X-Ref
Clark Warner Gear X-RefCNH X-RefDana Case X-RefDana Convel X-Ref
Dana Fiat Allis X-RefDana Spicer Terex X-RefDelco X-RefEarly AC Delco X-Ref
Engine Parts RefGalion WagnerGalion X-RefHough Ross X-Ref
IH Hardware ConversionIH Hough Komatsu X-RefIH Twin Disc X-RefJohn Deere X-Ref
New Process To Warner X-RefOliver Galion X-RefRockford IH X-RefRockwell AC Fiat X-Ref
Rockwell Case X-RefRockwell Meritor X-RefTwin Disc Master X-RefZenith IH X-Ref
Meritor - Rockwell Part Number Interchange

Here you will find common part number interchanges among Caterpillar, Komatsu, International, Allison, Terex and many more suppliers. Try some of the examples below and you will get a good idea of what information is available.
Examples:1K1482, B5148F, 610346C91, 37347D, 4B4792, 5B2413, 1T011.

Part Number:
Part Number is required and must contain at least 2 characters

The database is in its test phase so please send any comments or suggestions to the address below. This database was put together by with the aim of helping those in need of parts to broaden their search options and improve their chances of keeping their equipment running economically. I have taken care to proofread and check all entries but of course errors can occur. Use care and diligence when ordering parts from anyone. If you have any corrections and additions, please submit them to me
If you would like to help in this effort, and have additional cross references you would like to contribute for the benefit of others, please contact me and we will do our best to add them. Construction Equipment Parts, New, Used, and Rebuilt, Steering Clutch, Flywheel Clutch, Final Drive parts, Undercarriage, Transmission discs, for CAT, IH, JOHN DEERE, ALLIS CHALMERS, MICHIGAN-CLARK, KOMATSU, MASSEY AND MORE : Steering clutch parts, clutch packs,Flywheel Clutch PARTS, Brake Drums, Brake Bands for Caterpillar, CASE, International, Allis Chalmers, John Deere